10/08/2013: 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
at The Chapel by the Sea
Contact Sue Lucas for more information. N/A
Map Unavailable
On Tuesdays at 12:15pm, from September through May, we offer a half-hour church service at the Prayer Chapel, 504 N. Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach (behind Ohanesian Law Firm). This service is more contemplative, generally follows the Noonday Prayer Service in the Book of Common Prayer, and allows quiet time in the sanctuary for meditation and prayer. The service is finished by 12:45pm, so you can leave for your lunch hour at noon, get to the start of the service by 12:15pm, and make it back to work by 1:00pm…all within the span of a typical lunch hour. So there’s no excuse for not taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity to commune with God during the week. We would love to have you and all are welcome.